Publicatie - Studie, onderzoeksrapport, analyse

UNU-CRIS working paper, 2021, 6: Covid-19 in the European Union and MERCOSUR: Border Management at Different Scales

Oorspronkelijke titel: Covid-19 in the European Union and MERCOSUR: Border Management at Different Scales
Publicatiejaar: 2021 Editie: 6 (August) Aantal pagina's: 23

Closing borders has always been a typical reaction to pandemics in the history of humanity, and the responses to Covid-19 mark no difference. Initiatives to limit the diffusion of the virus has put the closure of national borders under the spotlight worldwide. However, national scale offers a partial perspective, particularly within the case of regional integration processes, where several actors oversee, or contribute to the daily management of “internal” borders. The article offers an overv

Bron: - 26-09-2021
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