Publicatie - Studie, onderzoeksrapport, analyse

CSB Working Paper, 2020, 7: Bad news does not come alone: Cumulative deprivation in Belgium

Oorspronkelijke titel: Bad news does not come alone: Cumulative deprivation in Belgium
Publicatiejaar: 2020 Editie: 7 Aantal pagina's: 18

Well-being is a multidimensional concept. In addition to income, people care about non-monetary dimensions, like health and housing quality. To determine how a society is doing in this regard, it is important to consider both the distributions across these various dimensions and the dependence between dimensions. Do the same people score low on all dimensions, or do some score high on some dimensions and low on others? I say that individuals who occupy a low position on all dimensions of life at…

Bron: - 17-05-2022
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