Publicatie - Studie, onderzoeksrapport, analyse

CSB Working Paper, 2012, 4: Household Work Intensity and the Adequacy of Social Protection in the EU

Oorspronkelijke titel: Household Work Intensity and the Adequacy of Social Protection in the EU
Publicatiejaar: 2012 Editie: 4 Aantal pagina's: 42

This working paper explores how the poverty reduction capacity of social security evolved in the ‘booming’ years leading up to the current economic crisis. The question to arise is whether and, if so, why social protection provides an explanation for, on the one hand, disappointing poverty trends in many of the EU15 and, on the other, declining poverty risks in Ireland and most of the new Member States. To what extent are these trends connected with expanding labour markets and evolutions in pre…

Bron: CSB Working Paper 2012/04, p. 2 - 08-06-2022
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