Bron: Why do creative industries cluster?: an analysis of the determinants of clustering of creative industries
Publicatie - Studie, onderzoeksrapport, analyse

Why do creative industries cluster?: an analysis of the determinants of clustering of creative industries

Bron: Why do creative industries cluster?: an analysis of the determinants of clustering of creative industries
Publicatiejaar: 2009 Editie: no. 09.02 Aantal pagina's: 27

Creative industries tend to concentrate mainly around large- and medium-sized cities, forming creative local production systems. The text analyses the forces behind clustering of creative industries to provide the first empirical explanation of the determinants of creative employment clustering following a multidisciplinary approach based on cultural and creative economics, evolutionary geography and urban economics. A comparative analysis has been performed for Italy and Spain. The results show…

Bron: - 29-04-2024
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IERMB Working Paper in Economics
Creatieve industrie
Creatieve regio's
Luciana Lazzeretti
Rafael Boix
Francesco Capone
IERMB (Institut d'Estudis Regionals i Metropolitans de Barcelona)