Artikel - Persartikel

Vertegenwoordigers uit visserijsector uit Groot-Brittannië, Frankrijk, België en Nederland plaatsen groeiende gebrek aan ruimte in gedeelde maritieme wateren aan

Oorspronkelijke titel: oint Statement Spatial Squeeze - Mid Channel Conference
Publicatiedatum: 12-12-2024

As representatives of the fishing industries from the UK, France, Belgium, and the Netherlands, we have convened at the Mid Channel Conference at which an agenda item was added to address the escalating issue of spatial squeeze in our shared maritime waters. This conference, originally initiated by the fishing sectors of our respective nations in the 1980s, has long been a platform for fostering cooperation, understanding, and practical solutions to common challenges. This year, hosted by Reders…

Bron: - 17-12-2024
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