The Best Managed Companies programme coaches and awards privately controlled and managed companies that are operating at the highest levels of business performance.
Best Managed Companies was established in Canada in 1993 where it has been run successfully ever since, and has become the country’s leading business awards programme. In addition to Canada, Best Managed Companies has been introduced in Ireland, the Netherlands, Chile and Mexico and key markets such as Australia, France, Italy, the UK, the US and China are planning to roll out the programme. Over time, there will be a global dimension to the programme to bring Best Managed Companies together across borders and to foster international collaboration in the private market.
Best Managed Companies is a programme that aims to challenge and recognise the overall strength of successful privately owned companies, while guiding and recognising their leadership teams. The Best Managed Company title can be awarded for several consecutive years to the same company and the awarded companies become part of a strong community of the best. The programme is based on a proven global framework in which management abilities and practices are assessed in the following domains: clear strategy, strong capabilities, company commitment, and financial performance.
The programme was launched in Belgium in the autumn of 2017.