Publicatie - Jaarrapport

Coordination of social security systems at a glance 2022

Publicatiejaar: 2023 Editie: 2022 Aantal pagina's: 97

The coordination of social security between Member States is one of the oldest pillars in EU social policy. It guarantees continuous coverage of social security rights and expectations when moving to another Member State, whether it is for work, on holiday, to retire or for planned healthcare. The 2022 statistical reports focus on the most recent developments that still were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic which strongly reduced intra-EU mobility in 2020 and 2021. The report also newly entails…

Bron: - 13-03-2023
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Frederic De Wispelaere
Lynn De Smedt
In samenwerking met(4)
IRIS (International Research Institute on Social Fraud) | Gent
Milieu Consulting bvba | Sint-Gillis
Eftheia (European Social Affairs, Management and Communication) bv | Schaarbeek
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Cijfers en statistieken Europa
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