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CSB Working Paper, 2015, 3: Hanging in, but only just. Part-time employment and inwork poverty throughout the crisis

Oorspronkelijke titel: Hanging in, but only just. Part-time employment and inwork poverty throughout the crisis
Publicatiejaar: 2015 Editie: 3 Aantal pagina's: 26

The crisis has deepened pre-existing concerns regarding low wage and nonstandard employment. Countries where unemployment increased most strongly during the crisis period also saw part-time employment increasing, particularly involuntary part-time work. With involuntary part-time workers, as a particular group of underemployed, facing especially high poverty rates, this was accompanied by an increase, on average, in the poverty risk associated with working part-time. However, this was not reflec…

Bron: CSB Working Paper 2015/3, p. 2 - 08-06-2022
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