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CSB Working Paper, 2018, 17: Social Security and Poverty Reduction in Rich Welfare States : Cracks in the Post War Policy Paradigm, Avenues for the Future

Oorspronkelijke titel: Social Security and Poverty Reduction in Rich Welfare States : Cracks in the Post War Policy Paradigm, Avenues for the Future
Publicatiejaar: 2018 Editie: 17 Aantal pagina's: 30

Has the most powerful poverty reducing instrument at welfare state’s disposal, become less effective? And if so, why? This paper will argue that there are no unequivocal answers to these questions. For that matter, differences across rich welfare states are far too big. However, we posit that along with the great variation in national experiences, changes in family, employment and wage structures have affected the poverty reducing capacity of social security at a systemic level. As a consequence…

Bron: CSB Working Paper 2018/17, p. 2 - 01-06-2022
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