Publicatie - Studie, onderzoeksrapport, analyse

CSB Working Paper, 2018, 6: Non-take up of the supplemental child benefit for children with a disability in Belgium: a mixed-method approach

Oorspronkelijke titel: Non-take up of the supplemental child benefit for children with a disability in Belgium: a mixed-method approach
Publicatiejaar: 2018 Editie: 6 Aantal pagina's: 43

Families with disabled children run a greater risk of being poor, and although policies providing poor families with financial benefits should be effective in reducing poverty, the actual effectiveness is often jeopardized by the issue of non-take up (NTU). Yet, how NTU affects the impact of benefits aimed at disabled children is for the most part uncharted territory. In this article, we fill this gap using a mixed-methods approach to (i) estimate the magnitude and characteristics of NTU in the …

Bron: CSB Working Paper 2018/6, p. 2 - 03-06-2022
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