Publicatie - Studie, onderzoeksrapport, analyse

CSB Working Paper, 2021, 7: Welfare resilience at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in four European countries: Impact on public finance and household incomes

Oorspronkelijke titel: Welfare resilience at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in four European countries: Impact on public finance and household incomes
Publicatiejaar: 2021 Editie: 7 Aantal pagina's: 32

This paper assesses the impact on household incomes of the COVID-19 pandemic and governments’ policy responses in April 2020 in four large and severely hit European countries: Belgium, Italy, Spain and the UK. We provide comparative evidence on the level of relative and absolute welfare resilience at the onset of the pandemic, by creating counterfactual scenarios using the European-wide taxbenefit model EUROMOD combined with COVID-related household surveys and timely labour market data. We find …

Bron: Working Paper no. 21/7, p. 2 - 13-05-2022
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Olga Cantó Sánchez
Francesco Figari
Carlo Fioro
Sociaaleconomische analyses
Cijfers en statistieken Europa
Belgische statistieken
Cijfers en statistieken huishoudens