Publicatie - Studie, onderzoeksrapport, analyse

Gentse Economische Inzichten, 2024, 16: Exploring the Effects of Belgium's Covid-19 Loan Guarantees

Oorspronkelijke titel: Exploring the Effects of Belgium's Covid-19 Loan Guarantees
Publicatiejaar: 2024 Editie: 16 Aantal pagina's: 9
  • In April 2020, the Belgian government allocated €50 billion (11.8% of GDP) to guarantee loans for businesses facing liquidity problems due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  
  • The guaranteed loans were designed to support higher-risk borrowers who lacked sufficient collateral for traditional credit access. Beneficiaries of these loans gained access to additional funding with more favorable interest rates compared to other debt options. 
  • This GEI evaluates the impact of a 25 basis points reduct…
Bron: Gentse Economische Inzichten, 2024, 16, Key Findings, p. 2 - 18-12-2024
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Jose Villegas
Auteur, Redactie(1)
Coronacrisis impact ondernemingen
Coronacrisis overheidsbeleid
Overheidssteun voor ondernemers
Liquiditeit ondernemingen