Publicatie - Studie, onderzoeksrapport, analyse

Green Skills Roadmap Flanders. Final Report on Green Skills Need in Flanders

Publicatiejaar: 2022 Aantal pagina's: 71

This report provides a situational analysis of the impact of the green transition on the Flemish labour market. This includes an assessment of the current and future green skills and jobs needs, and an overview of the Flemish stakeholders impacted by the skills development required for the green transition. It was developed as part of a contract commissioned by DG REFORM to support Flanders in the development of a high-level strategy together with an implementation roadmap and a governance frame…

Bron: - 07-11-2022
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Rob Williams
Tessa Zeil
Maja Lardot
Pavla Cihlarova
Matthew Smith
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Trinomics bv | Rotterdam