Publicatie - Studie, onderzoeksrapport, analyse

Labour migration in Flanders and the use the single permit to address labour market shortages

Publicatiejaar: 2022 Editie: 2022-01 Aantal pagina's: 51

Migration is an age-old and complex phenomenon. People migrate from one place to another for many different reasons: in search of work, for education, for business opportunities, to be able to live with one's family, to escape political instability or to escape poverty. This research focuses on labour migration, and more specifically on people who initially migrate from non-EU countries to work in Flanders on a short-term basis via legal pathways such as the single permit: a single procedure for…

Bron: Inleiding p 3 - 27-03-2023
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Steunpunt Demografie Working Papers
Elias Herman Kruithof
Amy Weatherburn
Christophe Vanroelen
Arbeidsmarkt in Vlaanderen
Cijfers en statistieken arbeid