Publicatie - Studie, onderzoeksrapport, analyse

Studie ter voorbereiding van visserijmaatregelen

Oorspronkelijke titel: Scientific background report in preparation of fisheries measures to protect the bottom integrity and the different habitats within the Belgian part of the North Sea
Publicatiejaar: 2021 Editie: 277 Aantal pagina's: 195

In the European Union, two key legal instruments exist for the protection of marine habitats: the EU Habitats Directive (HD) and the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). Under MSFD the aim is to protect the marine environment and to reach a good environmental status (GES). The implementation of MSFD focuses on 11 descriptors including “Biodiversity and “Sea floor integrity”. The EU Habitats Directive requires Member States to aim for the conservation and protection of important or thr…

Bron: Executive summary p 5 - 22-11-2021
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