Publicatie - Studie, onderzoeksrapport, analyse

CSB Working Paper, 2018, 12: In a category of their own? A multigroup SEM comparison of the welfare state attitudes of social workers and the general public

Oorspronkelijke titel: In a category of their own? A multigroup SEM comparison of the welfare state attitudes of social workers and the general public
Publicatiejaar: 2018 Editie: 12 Aantal pagina's: 26

Social workers’ welfare state attitudes are of prime interest, as it is expected that these attitudes may potentially influence client treatments. In this paper, we compare social workers’ welfare state attitudes with those of the general public in Flanders in order to test two competing hypotheses. On the one hand, the professional identification hypothesis assumes that social workers have a more positive outlook towards the welfare state as a result of socialization, self-interest and professi…

Bron: CSB Working Paper 2018/12, p. 2 - 01-06-2022
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