Publicatie - Studie, onderzoeksrapport, analyse

CSB Working Paper, 2008, 1: The Inclusion of Non-cash Housing Advantages in the Income Concept. Estimates and Distribution Effects for Belgium

Oorspronkelijke titel: The Inclusion of Non-cash Housing Advantages in the Income Concept. Estimates and Distribution Effects for Belgium
Publicatiejaar: 2008 Editie: 1 Aantal pagina's: 27

As pointed out by the Expert Group on Household Income Statistics (Canberra Group, 2001), the way in which is dealt with the income value of home ownership is crucial for distribution analyses. Home-ownership can have a large impact on a household’s expenditure structure. Because of the large proportion of home-owners in Belgium, a serious attempt to estimate the economic well-being of households should take the non-cash advantage derived of home-ownership, the so-called ‘imputed rent’ into acco…

Bron: Working Paper no. 08/1, p. 2 - 17-05-2022
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